Saturday, April 8, 2017


 Swastika geoglyph. http://www. Public domain.

An article in Live Science, written by Owen Jarus, and dated September 23, 2014, detailed the recording of more than fifty geoglyphs in northern Kazakhstan. This is a central Asian republic which used to be part of the Soviet Union.

Squared-X geoglyph.
Public domain.

The Kazakhs people are "descendants of the Turkic and medieval Mongol tribes - Argyns, Dughlats, Naimans, Keraits, Jalairs, Khazars, Qarlugs; and of the Kipchaks and Cumans, and other tribes such as the Huns, and ancient Iranian nomads like the Sarmatians, Saka and Scythians from East Europe populated the territory between Siberia and the Black Sea and remained in Central Asia and Eastern Europe when the nomadic groups started to invade and conquer the area between the 5th and 13th centuries AD" (Wikipedia)

The same geoglyph, view
from directly overhead.
Public domain.

"These sprawling structures, mostly earthen mounds, create the type of landscape art most famously seen in the Nazca region of Peru. 

Linear geoglyph.
Public domain.

Discovered using Google Earth, the geoglyphs are designed in a variety of geometric shapes, including squares, rings, crosses and swastikas (the swastika is a design that was used in ancient times). Ranging from 90 to 400 meters (295 to 1,312 feet) in diameter, some of them are longer than a modern-day aircraft carrier. Researchers say that the geoglyphs are difficult to see on the ground, but can easily be seen from the sky." (Jarus 2014)

I think that it is significant that these designs were reportedly discovered using Google earth. This wonderful resource is proving to be a valuable tool for archaeology, and future developments are filled with promise.

NOTE: Images in this posting were retrieved from the internet with a search for public domain photographs. If any of these images are not intended to be public domain, I apologize, and will happily provide the picture credits if the owner will contact me with them. For further information on these reports you should read the original article at the site listed below.


Jarus, Owen
2014     Nazca Lines of Kazakhstan: More than 50 Geoglyphs Discovered, September
23, 2014,
47954 -geoglyphs-discovered-in-


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